Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon

Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon

Image Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon
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Total votes: 1 votes
  • Developer:


  • OS:

    Windows 8

  • License:


  • Updated:

    January 31, 2022

  • "A very crazy game of the 80's"

Many video game expansions are made with the sole purpose of getting more money from gamers, but the case of Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon is totally different, as it poses many novelties over the third installment making it a kind of futuristic game with retro dyes.

The only thing that resembles the original title is in the graphics because the engine used is exactly the same. However, everything else is a new creation on the part of the developers who have taken great pains to present a very original story that makes reference to the eighties.

Freedom hasn't been reduced in the slightest, so you can take a break at any time by exploring the corners that attract your attention. On the other hand, the secondary phases are still very present and can be initiated whenever you want. In Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon there's always something to do, from finding hidden objects to facing dinosaurs with weapons. Practically nothing has to do with reality, although this is precisely the attraction of this expansion that has garnered very good reviews from publications specializing in video games.